Worship and Prayer DTS

“Real ministry is the overflow of a intimate and personal relationship with Jesus”. Find your voice and sound while going deeper in our Worship and Prayer DTS and rekindle your passion for Worship and Prayer.

Be a part of a fun community of young creative people that are excited about God and seeing people’s lives changed. The Worship And Prayer DTS will help develop, challenge and grow your walk with God in a live/learn environment through worship, lectures, mentoring opportunities and different creative outlets.

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a 5-6 month course which is a stepping stone to releasing people into the mission field. The course helps to equip people to reach the lost through evangelism, community development and other forms of ministry, making God known in their environment. This course is divided into lecture phase and outreach phase. The emphasis for the DTS is developing godly character rather than acquiring knowledge. The motto throughout the school is TO KNOW GOD AND TO MAKE HIM KNOWN. There will be opportunities to get involved in the local community during the lecture phase, and learn from ministries reaching out to the poor both spiritually and practically during the outreach.

Youth With A Mission’s (YWAM) mission statement is ‘To Know God and Make Him Known.’ The message of the gospel is not only about salvation of souls, but transformation of people’s lives and their communities.

A Discipleship Training School (DTS) is YWAM’s foundational course.  A DTS aims to help people develop their relationship with God, by learning to listen and obey God’s voice, and developing Christ-like character through a biblical foundation.

The Worship and Prayer DTS is not just for musicians but we are gathering around the question of How can we stir up a culture of Worship and Prayer. This course is for every heart that wants to have worship experience with the Father in different forms of worship. We provide opportunities to do worship together and to do worship in a missions atmosphere. This elective will not focus on growing your skill in musicianship. Our objective is to fuel your heart for worship and prayer and to experience this as a tool for missions!

Approximately 6 hours of your week will be dedicated to worship and prayer as an elective of the DTS. Possible activities will include worshiping together as a worship group, participating in evening worship events, sharing worship experiences/knowledge with your fellow students & staff, doing worship in public spaces, etc. If you have a heart to worship Jesus and to share Him with the world through this tool then you do not want to miss out on this DTS!

Whether you’re looking for an incredible adventure, wanting to use your gifting and talents to further the Kingdom or specifically desiring a way to use your passion with missions, the Worship and Prayer DTS is for you.

Topics include:

Worship and prayer, Identity in Christ, Hearing God’s voice, The Father heart of God, Creating with God, The great commission and many more! 

Activities include:

We have a community of young and creative people that will help you to use your gift in a creative form as ministry tool unto Jesus.

Songwriting and Art, poetry and many more!

One week in your elective we will focus on songwriting and painting/craft, we will create the opportunity to write a song with a team and individual songs.

Leading a Team

You will have the chance to grow as a worship and prayer leader. Learning how to lead a team well spiritually. There will be teachings on practical things like; building a set list and how to run a worship rehearsal.

All of our DTS students will come together for regular classtime, as well as worship, intercession, small group, and other elements of training. The Worship and Prayer DTS offers additional content geared towards developing you as a godly Worship and prayer leader and creative, as well as providing opportunities to be involved in worship leading and other creative forms of ministry.

Outreach location and prep:

We typically wait until our whole DTS is assembled before we finalize outreach locations for each quarter. That enables us to know firsthand the giftings and interests of our students. But wherever your team goes you will definitely have the opportunity to put into practice what you’ve learned

Costs for the school

Lecture phase:

Category A:


Category B:


Category C:




Outreach TBA

(depends on location)

For more information please contact:

Prosper Chifulo

WhatsApp: +260978751161

Insta/facebook: Ywam Lusaka

Email: ywamlusaka@gmail.com


30th September, 2024 – 8th March 2025