Hope School

We are serving the local community by providing quality and Christ centred education. The school is a place for discipleship and modelling Christ to the young ones. We are involved in this sphere of influence desiring to serve with excellence and offer quality education as well as bringing a lifetime impact in the lives of the kids God has entrusted to us. The school shall continue to serve as a place where kids in the community will get quality God-centred education and a place to train (equip) teachers, helping them to discover how they can use their profession in missions.

YWAM Lusaka has been serving the communities of Lusaka West since 1986. Being part of the community has given the opportunity to see the needs in our area. One of the greatest needs we have seen and are addressing is provision of quality education. To this day, there is still a need for good schools in the area and we are constantly challenged to expand so we can accommodate more kids.

Bringing Hope! Discipling nations!
We are not only providing education but discipling our community. We believe every kid has been entrusted to us by God, to come to us and leave as a transformed being strongly connected with the creator.

As the school is serving the community – it is also serving as a model for teachers who feel called to missions to learn how education done with Biblical principles can transform individuals and communities. This model can easily be reproduced in any community.

We are a city on a hill and cannot be hidden:
The impact of our work in the community has been so evident and many parents want to bring their children to Hope school. Unfortunately, because of limited classrooms at the school, we are not taking on new kids this year (Jan 2023), this has been a disappointment for many parents who were waiting patiently for a new year to come so they can send their kids to our school. Our PTA team was so hopeful and looking forward to having many kids enrolled, some even thought we can continue enrolling even if it means learning under the tree. This shows the need we have for education in the area and how much impact Hope school is bringing into the community. I believe we are the light and should keep our light shining for others to see. Enrolling more kids means more lives will be touched!

Our desire is that these children will be grounded in God’s word. As they come to school, they are going home not only with academic achievements but also with the hope and joy of knowing Christ. Together we are putting a smile on their face! How exciting!

If you would like to support this ministry financially, please contact us or send your support to:
Email: ywamlusaka@gmail.com or via Whatsapp: +260 973 076 872
Bank Name: Absa Bank Zambia Plc, Account Name: YWAM HOPE SCHOOL Account Number: 1616409, Branch Code: 017, Branch Name: LONGACRES BRANCH Currency: ZMW – Kwacha, Sort Code: 020017, Swift Code: BARCZMLX.
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