Lighthouse Community Centre Board Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name *Address *Phone Number *Whatsapp NumberEmail * / Contact your Employment DetailsEmployer *Employer's AddressPreferred Method of ContactEmailWhatsappCallsAll of the aboveVolunteer Experience 1. *Past and Present Membership: Boards, committees, task forces in the public sector (business, civic, community, religious, political, professional, recreational or social) Please share organisation name, position held and dates.Paragraph TextWhy Lighthouse – Please share your motivation. *Those committed to volunteering in a leadership capacity have an abundance of organizations to choose from. We are most appreciative of your interest in ours and would like to hear more. Why our organization and not any other? Please share your motivation and what it is about our work that has led you to raise your hand to be a leading ambassador for us.SKILLS / EXPERTISE *Public RelationsSpiritual Support (Prayer, teaching etc)NGO Management and ExperienceLegal ExpertiseEvent PlanningSocial MediaFundraisingProfessional Nonprofit ExperienceFinancial investment ManagementReading / Understanding budgets and balance sheetsPublic Speaking / PresentationsHR / AdministrationMarketingGrant WritingPublic Policy / AdvocacyAccountingStrategic PlanningInformation TechnologyFinancial investment ManagementOther areas not on the list.Please mark the skills and expertise you will bring to us that will strengthen our board and enhance the ability of The Lighthouse Community Centre to deliver on its mission.SKILLS / EXPERTISEATTRIBUTESCollaborativeRespectful of varying points of viewGood sense of humourStrong work ethicFacilitative styleEnthusiasticComfortable speaking in front of groupsAsks tough questions with respectOptimisticA board is more than a collection of individuals. It is an entity that engages in robust discussion and debate on relevant issues. It must act as a single entity. As such, the personality traits you bring to the board will help us to ensure that we have a diversity of personality styles and traits that, when added to our current board members, will enhance the ability of the board members to work together as a governing body.Time CommitmentYes, I can commit all the time.No, I cannot commit all the time.Board service is a true commitment of time and energy. We estimate that board service could be a commitment of 2 to 3hours each quarter.Time Commitment *Do you have any concerns or potential conflicts that may serve as impediments to this time commitment? If so, how will you manage the demands on your time?Good Standing *Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty or plead no contest to a crime? (If yes, please explain)?Referees *Please identify at least two references we can speak with. Name, Contact Number and Relationship.RESUME *Please email your resume to: ywamlusaka@gmail.comSubmit